Today was my first day at institute and my teacher mauled me as I entered the room. He would not leave me alone. Hello what is your name? Were you here last week? Where is your home town? I didn't think that the questions would ever stop coming. But finally they did! I was a little worried at first because when we started there were probably about 10 - 15 people there and I was afraid that he was going to call on me a lot. He started off by asking if anyone had any scriptures that they studied and wanted to share. There was a girl who shared Alma 53:10 and she read it but emphasized "by the power & word of god they were truly converted" then we looked up truly converted in the bible dictionary and she summarized it as a complete conversion comes after lots of trials and hardship. Then there was a cross reference from Alma 53: 10 to Alma 23 and in v. 6 "... if we are converted unto christ we will
NEVER fall away." In D&C 6:33-37 "...if hell and the earth are combined ye will not prevail IF you build upon his rock. Be faithful think of him and keep his comandmets and ye shall inherit the kingdom of heaven."
Well that was quite lenghthy but I thought it was really interesting of how far you can go if you really study the scritpures. Also another little thing that was said was when you read the scriptures you can hear the voice of christ because you are reading his words. In a talk there was a little exert . . . whatever Jesus lays his hands upon lives. If Jesus lays his hands upon a marriage, it lives. If he is allowed to lay his hands on the family, it lives.
I challenge all of you to build upon his rock and become truly converted. Work towards getting him to lay his hands upon your life so you can live!
I think that the Lord gives a helping hand a lot like today I saw it a bunch! Maybe these are really silly thing but I feel that it is Lord in my life...... Going to intitute and having the teaching just so excited I was there was really what I needed, I made it sound like I didn't like it but it made me feel that I need to go to intitute...... When I got home there was a little note on my bed from one of my roomates just saying how thankful she was for me and it made me realize that I really need to be doing a lot more...... Those are just a few of examples that happened in my day.
I really truly believe that the Lord works through other people and we all need to listen to the spirit and sometimes you wont realize it but you could change a persons day by acting from the spirit.